Assistance with Medicaid Application

Is the Medicaid application process causing you and your loved one stress and confusion? You’re not alone. Understanding the options available through Medicaid for an elderly or disabled person can be overwhelming.  It’s a common struggle, with millions of families across the country feeling the same way. Many even give up before they can secure the Medicaid help they need. But there’s a solution. Our comprehensive assistance with the Medicaid application process can provide the relief and reassurance you’re looking for.

The process of applying for Medicaid can take anywhere from 50 to 100 hours, and there is no shortage of simple mistakes that can cause a Medicaid denial. Families are often told to go online to fill out an application, only to find out weeks later that the Medicaid application was denied.

A Medicaid denial can occur for many reasons, and without knowing all the tedious rules and guidelines, families lose hope and become desperate as the cost of care increases. 

Medicaid denial rates are high, and county offices are difficult to reach. Often, Medicaid workers do not provide guidance or answer your questions; even worse, you may get conflicting information.

Fortunately, there is help. We offer comprehensive assistance with the Medicaid application process from start to finish. Call us at (973) 325-7500 for a free consultation or complete the online submission form below.

Our seasoned Medicaid consultants are here to help. They are well-versed in the intricacies of the process and can guide you toward a successful Medicaid approval.  Fill out the submission form below, and a Medicaid consultant, armed with their expertise and experience, will reach out to you for a consultation.

Our services are not just about filling out forms. We provide comprehensive assistance with the Medicaid application process. Our Medicaid advisors will conduct the five-year lookback, organize the file, work with county workers, coordinate with senior living facilities, advocate for your approval, coordinate the application timeline, and much more. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring a smooth and successful Medicaid application process.

When you choose to work with us, you choose a team with a proven track record.

We provide Medicaid with a comprehensive package of your file for easy review,  resulting in fast and on-time Medicaid approvals. With over 20 years of combined experience, Callahan Financial Services is a team of Medicaid Experts. We have a successful track record of getting the Medicaid help your loved one needs, whether it’s for home care or assistance in a long-term facility. We are here for you. Call us at (973) 325-7500 or complete the submission form now to get started and experience our successful track record for yourself.

If you have already been denied Medicaid, we can still help. Call and speak with a Medicaid Advisor. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s get to work making sure your loved one will have the care they need.

With over 20 years of experience, we can walk you through all your available options.

Contact us today for a free consultation on Medicaid Application Assistance, and let's find the right solution for your unique situation.

free consultation